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How to configure Reporting Services 2012 for SharePoint 2013 integrated mode

How to configure Reporting Services 2012 for SharePoint 2013 integrated mode

These are my installation notes because I did not find a clear tutorial for configuring SQL Server Reporting Services 2012 on a SharePoint 2013 server in Integrated Mode.  I found lots of SharePoint 2010 articles, but SharePoint has changed and now Reporting Services is actual a Service Application within the SharePoint farm.

This post is aimed at setting up a single server development environment.  It assumes you have already installed the following:

  • SharePoint 2013
  • SQL Server 2012 SP1 (Enterprise or Developer)
  • SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services for SharePoint
1. Install the SSRS Service in SharePoint.  
This is best done through SharePoint 2013 Management Shell by running the following commands:.
get-spserviceinstance -all |where {$_.TypeName -like “SQL Server Reporting*”} | Start-SPServiceInstance

Note, you will not get a response or acknowledgement from the first two commands.  If you are the kind of person who needs affirmation, let me tell you you’re doing fine.  Here’s a screenshot. so far.SharePoint Config Commands

2. Create the SSRS Service Application in the SharePoint Administrators site.

Now that the service is installed and available to SharePoint, you can log into the SharePoint Admministrator site as an Administrator to create the application.

2.1  Click to open ‘Application Management Group’

2.2 Click to open ‘Manage Service Applications’

2.3 Click ‘New’ button to create a new application and you should have a list of services that includes ‘SQL Server Reporting Services Service Application’.

If SSRS is not in the list, then something was not installed properly or the PowerShell command did not start the service.  I take back that affirmation, you need to go back to step 1.

Your list should look like this:

SharePoint Service List

2.4  The ‘Create SQL Server Reporting Service Application’ pop-up window requires some inputs as follows.

Name:  I named mine ‘SSRSdemo’

Application Pool name:  I named mine ‘SSRSdemopool’

First page of the pop-up should look like this:SharePoint SSRS App1

Web Application Association:  Check the box so the SSRS is associated with the proper SharePoint site.  If you only have one site, then you only have one choice like mine below.

SharePoint SSRS App2

2.5  Click ‘OK’ to create the SSRS App.   Hopefully you get a success message like this.

SharePoint App Success

2.6 Click ‘OK’ to the message and your shiny new SSRS App will be listed in your Service Applications.  To manage other settings you can click the App name.

SharePoint Service Applications SSRS

3.  Create a place for reports in the SharePoint user site.

3.1  Log in to the site with Admin credentials.

3.2  In SharePoint 2013, apps and libraries are added using the little gear symbol in the upper right corner.  Click the gear and click ‘Add an App’.SharePoint Add an App

3.3 From the list of Apps, click ‘Document Library’.  I named mine ‘Reports’

SharePoint Document Library

3.4  Once the App is created, you will be presented with an empty library.  We need to change the library to accept SSRS items, so click the ‘Library Settings’ button.

SharePoint 2013 Library Settings3.5  In the settings, click Advanced Settings so we can start managing the content types.

oint 2013 Advanced Settings
3.6  Now you will have the option to select Content Types.  Just under the list of settings, is a new section ‘Content Types’.  Under that,  Click ‘Add from existing site content types.SharePoint Content Types

3.7  A new window opens with selector boxes allowing you to choose content types.

Highlight in the left box and click Add to add the following types:

  • Report
  • Report Builder Model
  • Report Builder Report
  • Report Data Source

It should now look as follows.  3 with Report Library Items

Click OK.

3.8  Done!

You have now configured SharePoint 2013 to work with SQL Server Reporting Services in Integrated mode.

You should now be able to deploy reports.  In my example library above named ‘Reports’ on a server named DEVBOX the deployment URL will be:  http://devbox/Reports

If you want to separate shared data sources and data set files,  you need to navigate to the empty library and use the Files menu ‘New Folder’ button create the folders before deploying the project.  Each setting requires the full URL to the subfolder.  If you used spaces, click the elipses (…)  to get the proper url.

Here is the view of an SSRS Project Properties box ready to deploy.

SSRS SharePoint 2013 URL

For more information about deploying reports see:

If this has been helpful, leave a comment.




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