Promoting IT Learning in 2019

Promoting IT Learning in 2019

I've been to so many user groups that have great attendance yet struggle to get speakers. IT is an industry that has been changing and growing ever since I started. Along with that change, there was always someone willing to share what they knew and help me learn.  I like to teach others because there is no way to go back in time and thank my teachers for the TRS-80 lessons, but I can pay it forward to the future generation of geeks. Each year, I start with some new personal goals and this year it involves learning more R…
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How to set OLE DB Source data in SSIS

How to set OLE DB Source data in SSIS

Sometimes I have to learn things repeatedly before it sticks.  I re-learned this tip from Tim Costello at last night's Oklahoma City SQL User Group presentation.  We will get his presentation up soon. First, a big thank you to Tim Costello for coming to Oklahoma City to speak at our user group.  Check out his site for more tips.  This tip was just one tidbit from his presentation "Pro Tips: Tuning the data flow in SSIS".   Watch for him at a SQL Saturday near you.   Why you need to set IsSorted property on the OLE DB Source When preparing…
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SSAS Cube Partition Slice ErrorCode=”3240034361″

SSAS Cube Partition Slice ErrorCode=”3240034361″

Slices are a great way to improve query performance in a heavily partitioned SSAS Cube.  The photo above shows where to add or change a Slice properties in partition properties dialog box. If you ever get the following errors when processing cubes, it has to do with the Slicer property at the partition level.  The first error message tells you it is a slicer, the next few messages will indicate which partition puked. This post is sponsored by our partners Wigs <Error ErrorCode="3240034361" Description="Errors in the OLAP storage engine: The restrictions imposed on partition slice where violated." Source="Microsoft SQL Server…
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Bulk Update SSRS Subscription Information

I have a current client who needed to update information in every SSRS Subscription on their production server. The main reason was they were moving domains.  This meant updating user names and pointing the subscriptions to a new file share server where it saves reports. This is a standalone instance of SQL Server 2008 R2 Reporting Services, not in SharePoint integrated mode. It finally dawned on me that there is no bulk management tool for SSRS reports or subscriptions. So until I get time to learn and build a tool we needed a quick way to view and edit…
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