Blog Post

START by Jon Acuff

START by Jon Acuff
EntreLeadership tour in Oklahoma City, OK.  4-19-2013
EntreLeadership tour in Oklahoma City, OK. 4-19-2013

Last night a friend called and invited me to attend Dave Ramsey’s EntreLeadership 1 Day event.  Being an entrepreneur, I’m always interested in learning more about business.  I’ve listened to the EntreLeadership audio book, so I just hoped to learn more of the same.  The best surprise of the day was the hour by Jon Acuff about his new book START, Punch Fear in the Face, Escape Average and Do Work that Matters.

For about an hour Jon talked about the phases we go through in business and life.

The Road to Average

These are the ‘typical’ stages along the path most people take through life.

In our 20’s, we are Learning.  We are leearning that the only thing we really control is the starting line.  The finish line may move or change along the way.  He also encouraged people to start before they are ready because there never is a golden moment of ‘ready’.

In our 30’s we are Editing.  I enjoyed Jon talking about editing out the things you don’t enjoy and doing the things you do enjoy.

In our 40’s we are Mastering.  I’m here now and enjoying it.  I’ve spent over ten years doing data warehousing and business intelligence systems.  I’ve learned the hard way and edited out what didn’t work.

In our 50’s we are Harvesting.  One way or another, we harvest what we sow.  Very biblical principle at work there.

In our 60’s we are Guiding.  I hope by taking time to teach and share, I’ve been guiding along the way.

The Road to Awesome

What struck me most was Jon talking about the ‘back road’, which is less traveled. There is a generation that has grown up expecting things to be readily available online and they cycle through the same phases faster.

He also talked about not listing to the ‘voice of fear’.  My favorite quote from Jon was “Fear only bothers you on things that matter.”   So true.

I picked up a copy of his book and I’m reading it this weekend.

Get a copy.  Be Awesome!


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