Great benefits for Non-profits with WordPress

Great benefits for Non-profits with WordPress

Even though I'm retired, I often find myself helping non-profit organizations set up websites. My recommendation to most of them is to set up a WordPress site. Very few need the demands of more complex sites. The non-profits I help are usually Christian-based, which is not popular in some tech communities and outright targeted in some parts of the world where they operate. Using WordPress is accessible in all languages, stable and very affordable hosting is available. Overall, this allows me to remain useful and focus on work with purpose.Why WordPress? To start, over half of all new websites on…
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Retire Early, Find Purpose (Part 2)

Retire Early, Find Purpose (Part 2)

In Part 1, I talked about retiring early. It is a matter of planning, math, and a little psychology of delayed gratification.  Now, the work of finding your purpose takes some introspective digging with questions like: If you knew you could not fail, what would you do? If money was no object, where would you invest your time and energy? What accomplishment are you most proud of and why?  How or where could you do that again? What is the one thing you cannot NOT do? Each of these questions is a variation on a theme of finding what drives…
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Retire early, find purpose in life

Retire early, find purpose in life

Part 1 When I retired in my early 50's, people either ask "Aren't you too young?" or "How did you do it?" To the first question, I say you are never too young to retire from one career to find purpose in another. My career was right on track, but it was on the wrong track for where God wanted to lead me. To address the latter question, start by living debt-free and saving like crazy.1. Live under your means. When my wife and I married when I was 30 and still had student loans and bad credit. Then I…
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